Lets connect and see where you are at with your business goals.

individual coaching

individual coaching

Whether you’re just starting out and wondering what to do first, or well on your way and trying to get there faster, we can help you find your path, make those mid-course corrections, and reach your destination on your terms. Using our proven method, we will construct a tailored action plan consisting of what we call your

Three Ds:

  • Desired Outcome
  • Driving Force
  • Deliverable Action

    This Program is currently FULL for 2020, but 2021 opportunities are available.
    Fill the request form to be added to the list.

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Group sales coaching

Group sales coaching

When I first take on a sales team, I go deep to learn about the team’s goals, the company’s vision, what the plan is for getting there, and identify potential gaps in the system.
I deliver an analytical “situation report” back to the leader, and together we’ll agree on a customized framework to best fit the needs of the team and the company vision.
Then we get to work. I conduct monthly one-hour workshops with the team (up to 20 participants), covering the topics we’ve identified (e.g., “Establishing the Right Mindset” or “Overcoming Objections.”).

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online sales accelerator

online sales accelerator

Launching June 2020, I will offer an 8-week course designed to jumpstart your sales strategy. It’s not too late to sign up – Let’s discuss your needs today!

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emerging brands incubator

emerging brands incubator

If you’re a startup looking to scale your business, you’ve come to the right place.

This selective program is aimed start-up or just-post-startup brands that are ready to boost their retail presence.

I’ll work with you to create a go-to-market strategy that will establish or expand your brand in the appropriate retail channels. You’ll receive direct access to my exclusive network, templates and pricing strategies.

If you’re ready to grab and hold the retail spotlight, let’s connect.

Tap To Submit Your Brand Info



A big part of my job is listening, and I do it with joy. But, hey, I’ve also got opinions, ideas, suggestions and thoughts to contribute to the public conversation – about business and the world in general.

My experience and philosophy translate into stories that people get a kick out of – and benefit from. From the joys and pitfalls of starting up to practical team-building tips to Theories Of Happiness, I bring conviction, real information and just the right amount of showbiz to my presentations.

Whether I’m the main attraction or the opening act, part of the panel or rounding out the podcast, I’ll tailor an address that will make your event one for the books.

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The entrepreneur journey
can seem like a lonely road, and you don’t have to do it alone.